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儿童蓝牙智能体温计 智能体温计

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-02-24 14:08
55.00元/ 个
3 个
2000 个

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 详细说明
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Use Manual

This is a smat themomete device that uses BLE4.0 technology to make taditional themomete intellectualized. It's envionmentally fiendly, non-toxic, non-polluting, safe to use.

Main Functions:

1.Measue Tempeatue

2.Measue Ambient Envionment

3. Real Time Monitoing Tempeatue

4.Recoding Tempeatue Histoy

选择或新建客户Choose o Ceate Use

剩余电量显示:Battey Status

设备连接状态:Device Connection Status

点击切换温度显示方式:Click fo change the tempeatue display mode

环境温度:Ambient Tempeatue

查看当前环境温度:Check Cuent Tempeatue

点击测量:Click to measue the tempeatue

测量体温:Measue the tempeatue


多功能菜单......帮助文档:Multifunction Menu can tun on the monitoing mode, set alam tempeatue ,check histoy data and help document













Opeation Pocess:

1.Long pess the powe button of the device befoe using it.

2.The device is tuned on when the ed light flashes..

3.Open the APP, choose the account(Pictue A),the default account name is Baby. You can also ceate a new account name.

4.Click the connection icon on the ight cone(Pictue C),Choose the device you need and click connection. It connects successfully when the blue light flashes.

5.Point B is the battey display of the device. It efes to the esidual capacity infomation.

6.ClickPointAon the ight cone, you can change o ceate new account name.

7.Thee ae centigade degee and Fahenheit on the main inteface. You can click the icon to choose the way of tempeatue display.

8.Left bottom cone is fo measuing the ambient tempeatue(Pictue E).Click the icon, it is getting the cuent ambient tempeatue when it altenately flashes ed light and blue light.

9.Right bottom cone is multifunction menu(Pictue G).Multifunction menu contains Real Time Monitoing Tempeatue (Pictue H), Recoding Tempeatue Histoy (Pictue I ),Set alam tempeatue and alam ings(Pictue J),Use Help document(Pictue K)






10.The ight Middle bottom is fo Tempeatue Measuement(Pictue F).Click the icon and begin measue when the device is connected successfully. It needs 30 seconds to peheat the device. Duing the peheating, it will emind fail if the device is wea incoectly , If coectly, it will stat to measue. The measuement keeps fo about 3 minutes. Afte the measuement, all the tempeatue data will be ecoded unde the account fo checking..

11. Real Time Monitoing Tempeatue(Pictue H).Click the monitoing icon in the ight of the inteface, it shows that the device is unde monitoing status. The device will measue tempeatue automatically pe 20 minutes. Duing the monito, the phone will emind whethe the device is take off if the tempeatue is below a cetain theshold; the phone will also alam fo high tempeatue if it is above the value we set. Click the icon and exit the monito status. We can not check the ambient tempeatue o measue the tempeatue when the device is unde monitoing.

12. Check Histoy(Pictue I).We can check diffeent account data histoy o diffeent peiod data histoy.

13.The device will tun off automatically afte 10 minutes if unused. Please long pess the powe button and tun on the device if you want to use it next time.

*The data fom the device is only fo efeence.

Safety infomation

In ode to avoid the appeaance of unnecessay ham, please ead the following infomation befoe using the Smat themomete.

1.Don&squo;t wok togethe with nuclea magnetic esonance o CT equipment.

2.Explosion dange: do not use the monito in flammable anesthetic gas.

3.Docto should make diagnosis on clinical manifestation and symptoms only use the monito as subsidiay.

4.Please check instument egulaly to make sue it is close to the Skin in the ight ways, othewise the data may be inaccuate.

5.High pessue dissection, vinyl oxide disinfectant into liquid disinfectant may lead to incoect data.

6.Do not squeeze. If enclosue is boken, please stop using the instument.

7.Please pay attention to the opeation tempeatue and humidity. Use the poduct in a condition that does not satisfy the equiements may lead measuement eo.

8.The instument is fo indoo use only.

9.Please upgade the application when you upgade system.

10.The device is not steile.

Impotant Pecautions

The tempeatue displayed on this App, which will always show tempeatue of the place whee its pobe is popely installed, typically the ampit, with accuacy of 0.1 Celsius Degee.

While the body coe tempeatue of a human is highe than the tempeatue in the ampit, and its nomal ange diffes fo diffeent individuals of diffeent age and gende. Even fo an individual, it may diffe in diffeent time point of a day o in diffeent envionmental tempeatue.

So the tempeatue and the alet povides by this App could be only used as a efeence, not as the main basis of diagnosis.

The esponsibility of any accidents caused by misusing this infomation does not lie at the designe, manufactue o distibutos of this poduct.

1.Powe it

Unlock the battey cove

Put CR2032 battey in it, make sue the positive electode is upwad.

2.Download the APP fom iOS App stoe o Google play.

3.Pepae the instument.

The caegive should help patient wea the instument popely.

Keep pessing the powe button fo moe than 3 seconds. The Red light twinkle when powe on.

If you do not use the coect method of measuement, maybe not be obtain accuate tempeatue.

4. Open the APP, and connect with the instument.



