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PP MS003

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最后更新: 2018-11-22 17:15
25 千克
99999 千克

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    PP MS003ABS Nomal pefomance of ABS:Plastic ABS is nontoxic and tasteless, and its appeaance is ivoy colo semitanspaent, o tanspaent paticles o powdey. The density of 3 1.05~1.18g/ cm, the contaction ate was 0.4%~0.9%, elastic modulus 2Gpa, Poisson's atio is 0.394, the hygoscopicity of <1%, the melting tempeatue of 217~237 DEG C, the themal decomposition tempeatue of >250 DEG C.mechanical popetyPlastic ABS has excellent mechanical popeties and excellent impact stength. It can be used at vey low tempeatue. The weaability of plastic ABS is excellent, its dimensional stability is good, and its oil esistance is good. It can be used fo beaings unde modeate load and low speed. The vemicula esistance of ABS is lage than that of PSF and PC, but smalle than that of PA and POM.Themal PopetiesThe themal defomation tempeatue of the plastic ABS is 93~118 C, and the poducts can also be aised about 10 degees C afte annealing. ABS can still show a cetain toughness at -40 C, and can be used in the tempeatue ange of -40~100 C.Electical popetiesPlastic ABS has good electical insulation and is almost unaffected by tempeatue, humidity and fequency. It can be used in most of the envionment.Envionmental pefomancePlastic ABS is not affected by wate, inoganic salts, alkali and vaious acids. But it can be dissolved in ketones, aldehydes and chloinated hydocabons, and it will poduce stess cacking by eosion of glacial acetic acid and vegetable oil. The weatheability of ABS is poo, and it is easy to degade unde ultaviolet light, and the impact stength is educed by half afte half a yea.Themal popeties of PPPolypopylene has good heat esistance, and poducts can be steilized at tempeatues above 100 degees C, without extenal foce, and no defomation at 150. The embittlement tempeatue is -35 C, and the bittleness will occu at lowe than -35 C, and the cold esistance is not as good as that of polyethylene. Fo polypopylene glass tansition tempeatue values epoted a 18qC, 0qC, 5 DEG C, this is because people with diffeent samples, containing cystalline phase and amophous phase of diffeent popotion, so that the amophous pat caused by the diffeent chain length of molecula chain. The melting tempeatue of polypopylene inceased by 40 than 50% about appoximately 164 polyethylene, 170 C, 100% isotactic polypopylene melting point of 176 DEG C.chemical stabilityThe chemical stability of PP is vey good, in addition to being concentated sulfuic acid and concentated nitic acid eosion, ae elatively stable fo othe kinds of chemical eagents, but low molecula weight aliphatic hydocabons, aomatic hydocabons and chloinated hydocabons can make polypopylene softening and swelling, while its chemical stability with the incease of cystallinity is inceased, so polypopylene is suitable fo poducing vaious chemical pipes and fittings, good anticoosion effect.LLDPE accoding to the life of the extude, it is possible to widen the die gap, impove the ai ing, modify the scew design to bette extude, and incease the moto powe and toque if necessay. Fo injection applications, thee is no need to impove the equipment, but the pocessing conditions need to be optimized. Rotational pocessing equiements of LLDPE ginding into unifom paticles (35 mesh). The pocess includes filling the mold with a powde like LLDPE, heating and otating the die with a biaxial diection to make the LLDPE evenly distibuted. Afte cooling, the poduct is emoved fom the mold.The cystallinity of polyethylene with diffeent density is diffeent. The cystallinity has a linea elationship with the density, and they have a significant influence on many popeties of polyethylene.As the existence of the shot chain of polyethylene intefees with the cystallization of the main chain, the incease of the shot chain will destoy the cystallization and educe the density. The homopolyme high density polyethylene (HDPE) contains vey few shot banched chains, so it has high cystallinity and high density.Although LLDPE and HDPE belong to linea polyethylene, LLDPE is entiely the copolymeization of ethylene with alpha olefins. The copolymeization of LLDPE containing copolyme monome atio and high density, so thee ae many shot chain linea backbone of LLDPE, the cystallinity and density ae low; and the numbe of categoies due to its shot banched with diffeent monomes vaies, if the numbe of cabon atoms in the comonome content. In the copolyme also, the copolyme density deceased also.



