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  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:936
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    深圳市星光电热制品有限公司,成立于20032月,是一家专业生产电线电缆和电热制品的厂家。公司拥有多台国际先进的绕丝机,押出机组和各类检测设备。专业设立电线电缆和发热电线加工组,解决了客户自己无法加工的难题,经过多年电线行业的积累,公司具有丰富的生产及加工技术,公司多年来始终贯彻以良好稳定的品质,准时的交期,合理的价格及真诚的服务作为公司的经营理念并赢得了广大海内外客户较高的声誉。 公司产品:硅胶高温电线,PVC电子导线,铁氟龙电线,硅胶发热线,PVC发热线,碳纤维加热线,铝泊加热片,无纺布发热片等! 适用范围: 产品适用于,电工电器,电子电路,汽车线束,各种灯饰,按摩器,保暖产品,养殖取暖,电热毛巾架,冷冻除霜设备等。 公司认证: 星光电热制品有限公司已通过1S090012008质量体系和ISO140012004环境体系认证以及UL认证, CUL认证, SGS环保认证,本着质量为本、诚信为先、服务至上的经营理念,竭诚为广大客户提供优质的产品和优良的服务,开创互利双赢和谐发展的未来

    Shen**ngguang Electic heating poducts Co.Ltd was established on Feb. 2003. All these yeas we focus on cables , cods and othe heating elements.we have seveal eeling machines, extudes and testing facilities which ae all developed by the most advanced technology. Till now, most custome cannot pocess the poduct by themselves. To slove the poblem, we especially **p the wokshop fo cables , cods and othe heating elements.Since these yeas accumulation, we ae moe and moe pofession in this field and we ean bette eputation by good &stable quality, timely delivey date, easonable pice and sinceely sevice within ou clients at home and aboad.

    Ou poduct : high tempeatue-esistant cable, silicone electonic condocto, teflon wie, PVC heating cable, Cabon-fibe heating cable, aluminumfoil heating piece, non-woven heating piece.

    Ou poduct fit fo:

    Electical appliances, electonic cicuits, automobile wie haness ,light-fixtue, massage,wam-keeping poduct, Beeding-heating,ack fo electic towel , efigeant defosting equipment ect.

    Ou cetification

    We have passed 1S09001,2008 quality system, ISO14001,2004 envionment-potecting system,

    Cetification fo UL, CUL& SGS. we put the quality and sincee in the fist place and sevice ou custome with all ou heat and soul so that a win-win coopeation can be ceated.



