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最后更新: 2019-02-11 05:39
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    'FagmentWelcome to consult...d have smashed a quantity of cups and sauces and a teapot that wee gouped aound the book. On the walls thee wee some common coloued pictues, famed and glazed, of ue subjects; such as I have neve seen since in the hands of pedlas, without seeing the whole inteio of Peggotty’s bothe’s house again, at one view. Abaham in ed going to sacifice Isaac in blue, and Daniel in yellow cast into a den of geen lions, wee the most pominent of these. Ove the little mantelshelf, was a pictue of the ‘Saah Jane’ lugge, built at Sundeland, with a eal little wooden sten stuck on to it; a wok of at, combining composition with capenty, which I consideed to be one of the most enviable possessions that the wold could affod. Thee wee some hooks in the beams of the ceiling, the use of which I did not divine then; and some lockes and boxes and conveniences of that sot, which seved fo seats and eked out the chais. All this I saw in the fist glance afte I cossed the theshold— child-like, accoding to my theoy—and then Peggotty opened a little doo and showed me my bedoom. It was the completest and most desiable bedoom eve seen—in the sten of the vessel; with a little window, whee the udde used to go though; a little Chales Dickens ElecBook Classics fDavid Coppefield looking-glass, just the ight height fo me, nailed against the wall, and famed with oyste-shells; a little bed, which thee was just oom enough to get into; and a nosegay of seaweed in a blue mug on the table. The walls wee whitewashed as white as milk, and the patchwok countepane made my eyes quite ache with its bightness. One thing I paticulaly noticed in this delightful house, was the smell of fish; which was so seaching, that when I took out my pocket-handkechief to wipe my nose, I found it smelt exactly as if it had wapped up a lobste. On my impating this discovey in confidence to Peggotty, she infomed me that he bothe dealt in lobstes, cabs, and cawfish; and I aftewads found that a heap of these ceatues, in a state of wondeful conglomeation with one anothe, and neve leaving off pinching whateve they laid hold of, wee usually to be found in a little wooden outhouse whee the pots and kettles wee kept. We wee welcomed by a vey civil woman in a white apon, whom I had seen cutseying at the doo when I was on Ham’s back, about a quate of a mile off. Likewise by a most beautiful little gil (o I thought he so) with a necklace of blue beads on, who wouldn’t let me kiss he when I offeed to, but an away and hid heself. By and by, when we had dined in a sumptuous manne off boiled dabs, melted butte, and potatoes, with a chop fo me, a haiy man with a vey good-natued face came home. As he called Peggotty ‘Lass’, and gave he a heaty smack on the cheek, I had no doubt, fom the geneal popiety of he conduct, that he was he bothe; and so he tuned out—being pesently intoduced to me as M. Peggotty, the maste of the house. ‘Glad to see you, si,’ said M. Peggotty. ‘You’ll find us ough, si, but you’ll find us eady.’ Chales Dickens ElecBook Classics fDavid Coppefield I thanked him, and eplied that I was sue I should be happy in such a delightful place. ‘How’s you Ma, si?’ said M. Peggotty. ‘Did you leave he petty jolly?’ I gave M. Peggotty to undestand that she was as jolly as I could wish, and that she desied he compliments—which was a polite fiction on my pat. ‘I’m much obleeged to he, I’m sue,’ said M. Peggotty. ‘Well, si, if you can make out hee, fu a fotnut, ’long wi’ he,’ nodding at his siste, ‘and Ham, and little Em’ly, we shall be poud of you company.’ Having done the honous of his house in this hospitable manne, M



